Who We Are
Edmonton Circle of Friends Society was founded in 2011 in response to the needs of the developmentally disabled community. Circle of Friends is a faith-based community service incorporated under the Societies Act of Alberta and is a Registered Charity.
Why We Exist
People with developmental disabilities are among the most marginalized groups in our society, often ostracized from mainstream life and communities, including faith communities. Developmentally disabled people are at greater risk of being subjected to discrimination and abuse, sometimes with limited support options. Families and caregivers for those with developmental disabilities experience a heavy burden of responsibility: often wrestling with loneliness, depression and exhaustion. We are compelled to come alongside those with a developmental disability and their families. Our goal is to nurture engaged communities that reflect inclusion and opportunity.
Our Vision
Edmonton Circle of Friends Society’s vision is a world where:
- Community groups, including faith communities, ensure inclusive spaces for people with developmental disabilities..
- Community groups, including faith communities, have access to the information and support they need to inclusively reach out to people with developmental disabilities.
- People with developmental disabilities are given an opportunity to work and contribute to the full measure of their abilities.
- Families and caregivers for the developmentally disabled have a supportive, understanding community that they can turn to for support.
- People with developmental disabilities are valued and cherished members of society.
What We Do
Currently Edmonton Circle of Friends:
- Facilitates gatherings for people with developmental disabilities and their families and caregivers.
- Offers individuals with developmental disabilities and their families support in navigating the search for resources and assistance.
- Sponsors “Employment University”, a program designed to help prepare young adults with developmental disabilities for paid or volunteer employment.
- Provides peer-to-peer support to individuals with developmental disabilities
- Provides support to the families of those with developmental disabilities.
- Assists community groups and organizations who want to learn how to better include the developmentally disabled in their community.
Employment University

Employment University, known as “EU”, is a program for neuroatypical youth and young adults which provides a safe yet challenging environment where they can develop the social skills, life skills and confidence necessary to reach their full potential in the adult world. EU opened its doors in the fall of 2017. The curriculum is dynamic and shaped to meet the needs of participants. It draws on the work of Michelle Garcia Winner as well as the “Facing Your Fears” Program of Judy Reaven et al. Brittany Brunell’s “Everyday Speech” resources are also heavily used. The EmploymentWorks Canada framework is used as a vehicle to help participants learn to apply these skills in a workplace context. To date over 50% of EU participants have been able to apply their learning in a workplace setting on an ongoing basis. EU is led by James Greengrass, a Professional Certified Coach of the International Coaching Federation. James’ professional reflections on his experience with EU, “In an Unknown Tongue”, were published in Coaching World in August 2020.
Our Founders
Dr. David and Orla Nicholas bring many years of service to the community. Over the last twenty years, they increasingly have been involved in programs for people with developmental disabilities and other challenges. Their dream is an inclusive and accepting world for people with neurodiversity, including the widespread opportunity for community engagement for people with developmental disabilities.
Orla and David are the founders of the Edmonton Circle of Friends Society. David currently serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors.
Contact Us
Edmonton Circle of Friends
14320-94 St. NW
(780) 984-6807